Category: Technology

Python programming language: What will power the next w...

Commentary: Python doesn't look to be slowing anytime soon, as developers put the programming language to new and exciting uses.

IBM's aims to replace best guesses with data-based deci...

Researchers are using this analysis to find new uses for existing drugs and to determine the effect of COVID-19 on medical screeni...

How to install fail2ban on Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux

Fail2ban should be on every one of your Linux servers. If you've yet to install it on either Rocky Linux or AlmaLinux, Jack Wallen...

How to make the most of the Google Forms autosave featu...

Autosave allows people to enter data into a Google Form over multiple sessions, but there also may be times when you may want to t...

Open source powers AI, yet policymakers haven't seemed ...

Commentary: Open source is driving AI policy without policymakers getting involved, argues a Brookings Institution briefing.

Windows 10 PowerToys: A cheat sheet

Users are always searching for ways to make their computing lives better--the Windows 10 PowerToys are made specifically for this ...

6 cybersecurity training best practices for SMBs

Cybersecurity training is not the same across all companies; SMB training programs must be tailored according to size and security...

Tableau's latest release adds governance, security and ...

Version 2021.3 of Salesforce Tableau will be available later this month, with the newly announced features following over the next...

Innovate or optimize? Companies need to operate like it...

Most leaders are significantly underestimating the amount of innovation they will need to compete, according to a survey of 1,200 ...

How COVID-19 will impact future IT budgets and prioriti...

43% of survey respondents will tighten their 2022 IT budgets due to COVID-19, reports a recent TechRepublic Premium poll.

How to monitor your Linux servers with Checkmk

Find out how to set up the powerful Checkmk monitor to keep tabs on all of your networked servers.

Power outages: Battery backups to charge up your life i...

Remote work and unforeseen power problems could leave your family and your team in the dark. Here are three products that could he...

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