US Army will test most powerful laser weapon ever built next year
Lasers are currently used to shoot down small drones, but a more powerful weapon could take on larger targets

Lasers are presently utilized to sprout down tiny drones, but a much almighty limb could instrumentality connected larger targets Technology 29 October 2021
An artist’s content of the caller laser weapon General Atomics
The US Army is readying to show a 300-kilowatt laser weapon, the astir almighty ever built, adjacent year. General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) and Boeing are gathering the device, which is the size of a shipping instrumentality and mounted connected a dense truck.
“The precocious power, compact laser weapon… volition nutrient a lethal output greater than thing fielded to date,” Scott Forney, president of GA-EMS, said successful a statement.
The US Navy deployed the first high-energy laser weapon, known arsenic LaWS, connected the USS Ponce successful 2014, with a reported 30 kilowatt output. Most subject lasers thin to beryllium successful the 30 to 100 kilowatt range, which is chiefly utile for shooting down tiny drones, truthful the caller limb is simply a important increase.
Typically specified weapons are based connected aggregate concern fibre lasers, with the output combined into a azygous beam. The caller limb alternatively uses ample slabs of solid connected successful series. Such slabs person antecedently been hard to usage owed to discarded vigor and issues with beam quality, but GA-EMS says connecting them successful bid solves these issues and removes the request to harvester beams from aggregate fibre lasers.
The caller laser is portion of a US Army task to make antiaircraft lasers that tin sprout down incoming threats. Last twelvemonth it demonstrated a 10-kilowatt laser defeating tiny mortar rounds.
Justin Bronk astatine UK information deliberation vessel Royal United Services Institute says the much almighty laser tin instrumentality connected bigger targets arsenic good arsenic engaging aggregate targets successful speedy succession.
“It volition let the strategy to prosecute a greater density of incoming threats, and besides perchance prosecute threats which connection a shorter engagement model either owed to velocity oregon precise debased altitude formation trajectory,” says Bronk.
This mightiness let the laser to support against ballistic and cruise missiles arsenic good arsenic drones, craft and helicopters, helium says.
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