Terra (LUNA), Avalanche (AVAX) and Solana (SOL) offer massive opportunities in 2022, says Raoul Pal

2 years ago 528
  • Bitcoin and Ethereum are “base investments”, with BTC the OG of crypto, says the Real Vision CEO.

  • Terra and Solana are presently apical 10 cryptocurrencies by marketplace cap, portion Avalanche and Polygon marque up the apical 15.

Terra (LUNA) is presently the 9th largest cryptocurrency by marketplace headdress astatine $29 billion, acknowledgment to a monstrous terms rally implicit the past year.

While the decentralised fiscal payments blockchain has seen its autochthonal coin conflict this past 2 weeks, it’s up 23% since mid-December. But that’s not all; LUNA's terms is up a mouthwatering 10,579% higher since January 2020.

This coin, unneurotic with Avalanche (AVAX), Solana (SOL), and Polygon (MATIC), are apt to spot adjacent much gains successful 2022, according to Real Vision CEO Raoul Pal.

The concern strategist said successful an interview published connected Friday.

He said helium personally has added to his Ethereum presumption and is looking astatine “some of the beaten-down” tokens successful decentralised concern (DeFi) arsenic good arsenic furniture 1 altcoins.

The capitalist was responding to Jessica Walker's question connected what helium thought an experienced trader would look astatine successful the crypto marketplace going into 2022 proper. And Pal noted that Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) are apt to stay connected apical of the database for galore traders, earlier going connected to explicate why.

According to him, ETH and BTC are “base investments.” He said Bitcoin is “the OG” of crypto, portion Ethereum is the astir robust web successful the crypto industry. It has the astir developers and investors, helium added.

However, different than these two, 1 would look astatine "network effects" for guidance erstwhile seeking an concern opportunityThe astir attractive, successful his opinion, are those altcoins whose networks amusement maturation imaginable wrong the crypto space.

He frankincense singled retired furniture 1 coins arsenic probable outperformers successful 2022, with interoperability tokens besides connected his list.

We’re seeing these layer-1s, worldly similar Terra, Avalanche, and astir apt Solana,” helium said.

Solana is presently the 7th largest cryptocurrency with a marketplace headdress of $44 cardinal portion Avalanche is down successful the 12th spot with a marketplace headdress of $21 billion. Both coins are trading little connected the day, with SOL down 3.8% and AVAX losing by 4.3%.

Pal besides thinks Polygon and Quant- a blockchain web aimed astatine connecting different blockchains via its Overledger technology- volition besides acquisition further growth.

The Real Vision CEO said that this could beryllium “the twelvemonth of interoperability”, the crushed Polygon, Quant could beryllium large opportunities.

Last week, crypto strategist Michael van de Poppe expressed a bullish outlook for Polygon, adding that different tokens similar Fantom (FTM) and Enjin Coin (ENJ) volition besides bash good successful the market.

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