Salvage yard fire still burning
INDIANAPOLIS — Fire crews battled a ample occurrence astatine Hanna Auto Salvage connected the southwest broadside for much than 24 hours.
The occurrence started astir 6:30 Saturday greeting successful the salvage gait and was already "very large" erstwhile crews arrived, according to Wayne Township Fire Division Chief Courtney Rice. About fractional of a 40x40x30 heap of cars and scrap was connected fire.
The past 3 pieces of firefighting instrumentality near the country astir 11 a.m. Sunday.
Firefighters accidental nary employees were moving astatine the clip of the fire.
The Wayne Township Fire Department said agelong distances to get to h2o supplies and the occurrence itself slowed the archetypal firefight.
In summation to knocking retired the fire, firefighters accidental each of the worldly has to beryllium moved truthful it tin beryllium afloat extinguished.
"It's not a elemental occurrence astatine all," Rice said. "We person astir 2.5 miles of hose connected the crushed to effort to get h2o from the h2o sources to wherever we request it connected the property."
Rice said the cars were burning astatine 1,200 degrees and determination is nary connection yet connected the origin of the fire.
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