Market highlights January 18: Cardano continues to rally, oil toys with 52-week high

2 years ago 498

The crypto marketplace is bearish arsenic a whole. Oil prices jumped successful the past 24 hours to conscionable nether $85 arsenic it appears that output volition stay tight. At clip of writing, lipid was trading astatine $84.82, conscionable 20 cents shy of its 52-week high.

With US markets closed owed to it being a nationalist holiday, investors’ absorption shifted to Europe yesterday. The EUSTX50, representing the eurozone’s 50 largest companies, ticked up 0.7%.

Top cryptos

Cardano stood retired erstwhile again among large cryptos, adding astir 3% implicit the past 24 hours and upping its gains to 35% successful the past 7 days. These gains travel up of SundaeSwap’s January 20th launch. It volition beryllium the archetypal decentralized concern speech utilizing the Cardano blockchain.

Solana, Ethereum and BNB each slid much than 2%, and Bitcoin was trading supra $42,000 astatine clip of writing.

Terra and Polygon are the biggest losers successful the apical 20. Both mislaid 10% of their worth today. Near Protocol is down 9% and Chainlink and Polkadot are down 7% successful the past 24 hours.  

Top movers

Most of the apical 100 biggest coins by marketplace headdress person mislaid betwixt 3 and 6% of their value. Cosmos is reversing caller gains with a nonaccomplishment of 11% today. Fantom is adjacent down it, down 9%. Axie Infinity has mislaid 10%. 

Monero has mislaid conscionable nether 11% truthful far, besides backtracking connected caller wins. 1inchnetwork is down 7%.  


Knight War: The Holy Trio is an upcoming semi-decentralized, play-to-earn crippled successful the Idle Defense Genre. Its autochthonal token MRE is up 311% arsenic motorboat approaches.

Telos, a superfast and scalable blockchain focused connected existent satellite usage and adoption, is 1 of the biggest winners of the day. It added an awesome 53% to its value.

Propy is besides trending. The token was built with the imaginativeness to automate the existent property income process. Propy is up 47% successful the past 24 hours.

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