FDA Advisors Vote to Recommend Moderna Boosters
The panel voted to authorize Moderna boosters for the same groups who’ve gotten a green light for third Pfizer doses.

Oct. 14, 2021 -- A sheet of experts that advises the FDA connected vaccine decisions voted unanimously Thursday to o.k. booster doses of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine.
The 19 members of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee voted to authorize a 50-milligram dose -- fractional the dose utilized successful the superior bid of shots -- to boost immunity against COVID-19 astatine slightest 6 months aft the 2nd dose. Those who mightiness request a booster are the aforesaid groups who’ve gotten a greenish airy for 3rd Pfizer doses. They see people:
- Over property 65
- Ages 18 to 64 who are astatine higher hazard for terrible COVID
- Who are astatine higher hazard of catching COVID due to the fact that they unrecorded successful radical settings similar nursing homes oregon prisons, oregon due to the fact that they are often exposed astatine work, arsenic wellness attraction workers are
The bureau is not bound by the committee’s vote but usually follows its recommendations.
Some members of the committee said they weren’t satisfied with the information Moderna submitted to enactment its exertion but, for applicable reasons, said it wouldn’t beryllium just to instrumentality booster doses disconnected the array for Moderna recipients erstwhile Pfizer’s boosters were already available.
“The information are not perfect, but these are bonzer times and we person to enactment with information that are not perfect,” said Eric Rubin, MD, editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medicine and a impermanent voting subordinate connected the committee.
The committee gathering is ongoing. This communicative volition beryllium updated.
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