EU drones could drop life rafts to migrants in the Mediterranean Sea
The European Maritime Safety Agency has contracted drone company Tekever to use uncrewed aircraft for search-and-rescue missions

The European Maritime Safety Agency has contracted drone institution Tekever to usage uncrewed craft for search-and-rescue missions Technology 29 October 2021
A Tekever drone TEKEVER
Raft-dropping drones volition soon beryllium helping with rescues astatine sea. The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has awarded a €30 cardinal declaration for uncrewed craft to patrol European waters. The remotely piloted craft volition deploy a caller capability, an air-dropped rescue raft to transportation up to 8 people. It could beryllium utilized to rescue migrants attempting to transverse the Mediterranean Sea, however, critics judge that the drones whitethorn besides beryllium utilized to deter marine migration attempts.
EMSA announced the four-year declaration connected 14 October with the REACT consortium, …
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