Commentary: Which Cancer Treatment Is Best? Selecting the Right Tool for the Job
For patients diagnosed with a cancer that starts in a solid organ like a lung, colon, breast, or prostate, oncologists want to identify the best treatment for each patient.

Oct. 7, 2021 -- For patients diagnosed with a crab that starts successful a coagulated organ similar a lung, colon, breast, oregon prostate, oncologists privation to place the champion attraction for each patient.
To fig that out, oncologists indispensable reply a captious question: Has the crab dispersed to different parts of the body? The process of determining wherever the crab is, called staging, gives doctors a clearer consciousness of the cancer’s biologic behaviour and prognosis, and it helps specify the champion attraction strategy.
The astir communal method of staging a crab evaluates the size and invasiveness of wherever the crab started -- the superior tumor -- arsenic good arsenic whether crab cells person dispersed to draining lymph nodes successful the portion oregon person traveled done the bloodstream to much distant sites successful the assemblage -- precocious oregon metastatic disease. The contributions of the tumor, nodes, and metastases specify the TNM staging system.
Our treatments for crab thin to enactment either locally oregon systemically. Local therapies, similar country oregon radiation, are effectual successful the circumstantial country they are directed. Surgery that removes a tumor is effectual astatine eliminating the hazard of illness from that location, and radiation helps termination crab cells wrong the “field” successful which the radiation is pointed.
Systemic therapies, specified arsenic chemotherapy and immunotherapy, enactment passim the full assemblage and tin beryllium fixed intravenously (IV), orally with a pill, oregon occasionally by injection. Immunotherapy, typically an IV treatment, helps stimulate a patient’s immune strategy to admit and onslaught the cancer. The extremity of systemic therapies is to dainty the illness that’s disposable connected scans oregon a carnal introspection arsenic good arsenic immoderate imaginable microscopic oregon invisible illness that a scan oregon exam cannot observe but that whitethorn turn implicit time.
Historically, country oregon radiation has been the cornerstone of managing early-stage cancers, and chemotherapy oregon different systemic therapies person been the mainstay of precocious crab care.
Doctors typically usage section therapies erstwhile the superior tumor is not excessively large, has not invaded surrounding tissues, and the dispersed to lymph nodes is limited. In fact, for aboriginal signifier cancers, section therapies similar country oregon radiation tin beryllium curative.
However, arsenic the size and fig of lymph nodes progressive with a crab increases, the probability that the crab has oregon volition dispersed to different areas of the assemblage besides increases. Patients with much precocious cancers typically acquisition systemic therapy to formed a wider attraction nett and drawback not lone the illness you spot but besides the illness you can’t.
Over time, however, we person recovered that systemic therapies tin besides amended results for galore high-risk but inactive earlier-stage cancers, and section therapies whitethorn beryllium adjuvant for circumstantial types of metastatic cancer.
For instance, successful immoderate patients with early-stage, localized cancer, chemotherapy whitethorn beryllium fixed earlier country oregon astatine the aforesaid clip arsenic radiation. Combining systemic and section therapies tin amended however good the section therapy works against the disposable illness we tin spot and often helps drawback the invisible illness earlier it tin instrumentality hold. For galore cancers, chemotherapy oregon immunotherapy has been shown to shrink tumors earlier country oregon during radiation and summation the accidental that patients volition beryllium crab escaped years aft treatment.
Local therapies similar country oregon radiation whitethorn besides beryllium due for patients with precocious cancer. If the crab has metastasized to the brain, for example, a diligent whitethorn payment from country oregon radiation directed to the tumor tract due to the fact that galore systemic crab drugs cannot scope the encephalon successful precocious capable concentrations to shrink these tumors. Similarly, erstwhile a tumor wide is causing symptoms that request to beryllium treated immediately, specified arsenic bleeding oregon trouble breathing, section therapy targeting the occupation are whitethorn bash the occupation best. In addition, patients with metastatic illness whitethorn lone person 1 oregon 2 tumors increasing astatine a concerning rate. This situation, called oligo-metastatic illness (oligo meaning “few”), is antithetic but whitethorn telephone for a section attraction directed astatine that fast-growing tumor.
That is precision medicine -- the conception of identifying the close tools for each idiosyncratic -- astatine work.
H. Jack West, MD, is an subordinate objective prof and the enforcement manager of leader services astatine City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center successful Duarte, CA. West serves arsenic web exertion for JAMA Oncology, edits and writes respective sections connected lung crab for UpToDate, and leads a wide scope of continuing acquisition programs and different acquisition programs, including hosting the podcast West Wind.
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