Cathie Wood says DeFi and NFTs among “big trends” to watch in 2022

2 years ago 468
  • Wood says blockchain exertion is 1 of 5 trends alongside DNA sequencing, vigor storage, AI and Robotics

  • She says DeFI and NFTs were immense successful 2021 and could proceed connected the aforesaid trajectory this year.

ARK Invest laminitis and main enforcement serviceman Cathie Wood says that blockchain exertion is 1 of the 5 cardinal trends her concern money is watching successful 2022.

The personage investor, whose bets connected Bitcoin and Tesla made for immense returns, believes 2 trends successful the blockchain tech abstraction apt to proceed to spot monolithic capitalist involvement are decentralised concern (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Wood was speaking to TIME magazine.

Blockchain remains a ‘big trend’ successful 2022

Asked astir what trends Ark Invest was watching this year, Wood pointed to “five innovation platforms.” According to her, these are areas astir which the money has extended probe and which person been shown to beryllium “scaling exponentially.”

She says that DNA sequencing is 1 innovation that volition alteration healthcare, portion different intimately watched level is Robotics, “especially adaptive robotics, she added.

Energy retention is different large inclination the concern money is keen connected successful 2022, with the Ark Invest CEO giving the motion to electrical vehicles implicit gas-powered ones. Tesla has led successful this category, with different automakers similar Rivian, GM, and Ford besides seeing important request successful 2021.

Investment opportunities successful the Artificial Intelligence abstraction are besides large connected the fund's books, arsenic is blockchain technology.

Wood told TIME that decentralised concern and non-fungible tokens are apt to proceed being immense for investors. She believes 1 of the trends successful 2022 volition beryllium DeFi taking implicit a ample portion of the marketplace stock presently dominated by accepted financial.

Last year, an estimated $44 cardinal worthy of NFTs were sold, portion the DeFi assemblage saw implicit $240 cardinal successful full worth locked (TVL). Per information from DeFi Llama, the TVL presently stands astatine $235.88 billion, with 9.87% of that locked successful the Curve Finance protocol.

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