11 Ways to Completely Revamp Your Press Release Sample

1 year ago 290


If you're a PR professional, your job is to inform the public about your client's work in order to generate positive word-of-mouth and grow business. Your press release format should do just this—it's a tool for getting the attention of editors who are looking for content ideas (or at least something interesting). However, it can be hard to create one that truly stands out from the crowd. You don't want to write something generic or boring; instead, think about what makes your work unique and make sure that comes through in every aspect of your release (including its tone). We've found 11 ways to completely revamp yours:

Use a newsworthy headline.

Headlines are the most important part of a press release template

  • They should be written in present tense, which means they will read like an article or blog post would. For example: “New Study Shows that Dogs Are Better Than Cats at Caring for Your Heart!” or “FDA Approves New Drug That Can Kill Cancer Cells Without Harming Normal Cells.” These headlines will make your readers interested in reading more and hopefully share your story with their friends and contacts, who then can help spread the word about how awesome you are (or how much better than others).

  • Headlines should be short—no more than 150 words—and catchy so that people will remember them easily after reading just one paragraph of content below it! You don't need to use all capitals throughout your content; however, I recommend keeping them consistent throughout because this helps readers understand where they're reading from left-to-right (like on a computer screen). It also helps keep things organized too!

Write the press release in third person.

Writing a news release example in third person is more formal than writing it in first person. It makes it seem like you are speaking to someone else, rather than directly to the audience. A good example of this would be:

``[Company Name] announced today that [new product/service] will be available for purchase on [date]. The company also announced some other news about its business.''

In addition, using third person allows you to use more objective language when describing your company or product. For example: ``We're pleased to announce our new line of X-ray machines,'' instead of saying "we have decided". Finally, using third person allows you to distance yourself from what's being described by avoiding using pronouns such as "I" and "you", which can cause confusion among readers who may not know whether they're supposed read about yourself or someone else entirely!

Include relevant contact information.

  • Include relevant contact information.

Your sample press release template should include a phone number and email address where you can be reached, as well as the name of your company or organization (if applicable), and any names of people who were involved in the story. If they are important enough to mention in their own article, they deserve credit for helping create it! For example:

"The first-ever teleporting robot has been developed by [your organization] based on breakthrough discoveries made at MIT."

Write your lede sentence with care.

The first sentence of your media release example is the most important. It's also one of the most overlooked, and therefore it is important to write this sentence with care.

The lede is what gets people's attention and drives them through to read more. You want to make sure that you capture their attention quickly and efficiently so they'll come back for more!

A good way to do this is by using short, clear sentences that are easy-to-read while still being grammatically correct (this makes sense). If possible, keep your sentences at around two words each (that's about 10-12 words per line). It'll help ensure that readers don't get bored before they finish reading all five lines! Also try keeping verbs lowercase—this helps keep things simple by making them easier for readers who may have trouble comprehending long strings of text due to dyslexia or other neurological conditions like autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Spell out acronyms on first reference.

If you're going to use an acronym, spell it out on first reference. The acronym should be in parentheses and followed by a period.

If you want to get really fancy with your event press release template

, consider using some of these other tips:

  • Use bold fonts for the most important information. This will help readers see what's most important without having to struggle through small print or tiny typefaces.* Use italics for keywords or phrases that don't have a direct equivalent in normal text.* Use underlined text when there's something new about an item (like an update) but not enough context for readers who aren't familiar with its subject matter.* Include as much detail as possible so people know exactly what they're reading about."

Don't include extraneous quotes in your press release.

You see, the quote is not a good story. It's cluttering and distracting at best, and it can be damaging to your company's reputation if included in an important press release example for new product.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Don't quote anyone who doesn't add information or insight that you don't already have. If you're including quotes from an expert on their own field of expertise, make sure they aren't already quoted elsewhere in your document as well. They may also be available for comment on other topics unrelated to what you're writing about (such as if they're part of another company). Refer back to these sources later on when you need them again!

  • If you've used quotes from other sources throughout this document but haven't credited them yet (or even if there aren't any), go ahead and do so now; people will appreciate knowing where the information came from – even if it isn’t directly related to what we’re discussing here today!

Be straightforward and brief in your press release body.

  • Keep sentences short and to the point.

  • Use active verbs.

  • Use simple language, even if it’s technically correct. For example, “the company is proud to announce that it has received a new contract from XYZ Corporation” isn't as effective as “XYZ Corporation has awarded us with a new contract worth $100 million dollars."

Create an inspiring call to action.

In order to make your press release example for event stand out and get noticed, you need to create an inspiring call to action. This is the part of your release where you ask readers for something in return for reading it. You can ask them:

  • To share your release on social media (e.g., Twitter or Facebook)

  • For a quote or interview with you or someone else in the organization

  • For a donation or sign up for some kind of membership program (if applicable)

Write a boilerplate for your press release.

Write a boilerplate for your press release.

A boilerplate is a short, standard paragraph that can be used as the opening paragraph in a press release. It should include the name of the company, contact person and brief description of what you are releasing.

Include photos or graphics with your press release.

  • Use photos or graphics to highlight the most important points of your press release.

  • Make sure the images are high quality, and large enough to see.

  • If you don't have a professional photographer, consider using stock photos instead of custom-made ones. The internet is filled with great stock photography sites that offer thousands of images at affordable prices (hint: I use pixabay).

  • Consider including a photo of the lead person in your press release as an added bonus!

Proofread, edit, proofread, and edit again.

Proofreading is a skill. It's not something you're born with, but it can be learned by anyone who puts in the time and effort to practice it. Proofreading helps ensure that your writing is accurate, consistent and grammatically correct—and it also makes for a more pleasant reading experience for those who will receive your press release.

If you want to improve as a writer or if you're just trying to refine some of the finer points of style, then proofreading is an essential part of the process (especially if your goal is quality).

With some time and effort, you can make your own sample press release shine!

It’s time to get creative! Don’t be afraid to take a sample press release and make it your own. You can do this by incorporating relevant information, but stay focused on your goal.

Use the sample press release as a guide, but don't copy it word for word. Instead of copying the entire body of text from one website onto another (or worse yet, having someone else do that), use only those pieces that are relevant to what you're trying to accomplish with your own announcement or announcement series—and then add some flair!


Remember that the goal is not perfection. It’s just to get off the ground, overcome some challenges and make progress. Eventually, you'll feel more confident about your sample press release and be able to use it as a template for future releases.

Get in Touch!

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Email –contact@pressreleasepower.com

Mobile – +1 (855) 222-4111

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